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Does everyone in the world have a blog by now???

Does everyone have a blog?

A deadly hard drive crash has crippled my workstation computer, so I'm not able to get alot of design work done while I wait for the new drive to arrive. Maybe I'll do another post on the importance of saving VERY often and backing up your important files everyday! While I endlessly wait I thought I would post a few thoughts to my blog here. I'd rather be creating visual arts but while I'm being held hostage to technology I decided to post my first blog entry in months. I refuse to write about my latest trip to mall or what pair of shoes I liked the best but lets have some fun at the expense of the norm for a bit...


Does Everyone in the world have a blog???

My reluctance to post on my blog as a matter of routine seems to stem from my desire to not engage in activities that seem overly mainstream or trendy. Follow your own path is a motto I have always been keen to follow. We all need a concrete direction that we want our life to follow or we fall into the trap of being SHEEPLE, I know scary right?!

Sheeple. (Don't aspire to be a sheeple)

If this graphic had the sheep looking down towards their cell-phones, than it would illustrate my point perfectly. Instead of having a conversation with the sheep next to them in real-life they elect to have a digital conversation with sheep in their virtual world. These sheep never experience true human contact and become afraid of the sheep next to them.

Okay, so on we go (I will get to the point eventually). I think the over-blogging in our society has led me to almost depise it. I mean I really don't care where you went for lunch on any given day. Unless of course you've got left-overs you're planning to share with me (:

So why all the over-blogging? Is it simply because the technology exists and the ability to be "always connected" to the larger online world is so dang easy? Of course this is a factor but the motivations behind an online rant should always be considered first. Do you simply want to brag that you are so awesome that you are eating that $20 burger while your friends reading it are munching away on a PB and J in their pajamas? If this is your motivation than you need a hobby my friend!

There are millions of blogs that have relevant and useful information to the online trowing masses to be sure. I aspire that this blog will be in that category, providing useful and yes even entertaining tid-bits that inform, inspire and educate on issues in the field of multi-media art and design.

Thanks for reading my short rant on the issue of over-blogging hopefully it was thought-provoking in some way to you. My next post will be back in the realm of digital art production.


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